Change the cost of purifying Shadow Pokémon in Pokémon Go

These costs have increased in some cases and decreased in others, depending on the Pokémon being purified. With the exception of Dratini and Snorlax (which cost a sizable amount of 10,000 Stardust and 10 Candies), all Shadow Pokémon cost 2,000 Stardust and 2 Candies.

New purification costs

As expected, Dratini and Snorlax are now cheaper, as are Rattata and Zubat. However, the starting Pokémon - Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, and Mudkip - have slightly increased. The total cost of purification for each Pokémon is as follows:

  • 1,000 stardust and 1 candy: Rattata and Zubat
  • 3,000 stardust and 3 candies: Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle and Mudkip
  • 5,000 stardust and 5 candies: Dratini and Snorlax

Niantic has made these changes in an unannounced update.

More Shadow Pokémon?

It seems likely that Niantic will add more Pokemon Shadow to its mobile game soon. Excluding evolutions, there are only seven in the game as of August 1.

However, there is a way to verify which Pokémon can have a shadow shape. If you go to the Pokédex, select a Pokémon, for example Drowzee, you will see that next to what has been seen, caught and lucky, there is a fourth category "purified". You don't get a purified Pokémon without a shadow version. This is a good way to see which Shadow Pokémon could be featured next.

    A leaked list has also been revealed. Some of these Pokémon, like Weedle, are on this list but they don't have a purified form in the Pokédex. This means that either the list is wrong, which would be surprising since it comes from Chrales, or these Pokémon will be added at a later date.

    Other versions of Pokemon


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