
Showing posts from July, 2020

Level 50 is coming to Pokémon Go, the developer gives new details

For those of you who think it would just mean getting more experience, well it's time to rethink that.  Matt Slemon, the product manager for Pokémon Go, has recently spoken about a number of topics related to Pokémon Go, including the new level cap. You can also visit: It is not going to be as simple as just getting XP through the ways you might be used to,"  Slemon revealed.  This suggests new requirements that will change how leveling up works. The development team does not want to introduce the new level cap and coaches who already meet the requirements receive their new level.  "We don't want the level cap to go up and all of a sudden people to get to their new level and that's pretty much the end of it all." The idea is to continue to challenge the coaches and give them a new experience after level 40.  "We want the experience to feel a little different after Level 40 than it has been until Level 40." Slemon clarified that reac